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what we do:


We are simply people helping people. We listen to those who have been affected by the disease of addiction and assess their needs. We then offer our assistance through connecting them to recovery facilities, support groups, agencies, or other recovery or family support related entity.

“Who We Are” Video


Capital Building Fund

We bought a building! Now we need to raise money to make our vision come to life.

To learn more and/or donate, go to - Capital Building Fund

CSO Community Program

Saving Lives is Not Controversial

Join our Narcan Saves Lives Campaign and have one of our Narcan kits in your business. Click here for more information.

For Next meeting, contact Tammy at 860-271-1835

Meetings are held at the CSO office - 214B Thames St., Groton, CT. Parking lot and entrance is in the back of the building off of School St.

Support group For Families next meeting is Feb 19th. IT is held the third Wednesday of every Month

at 6 PM.

No registration needed. Meetings are held at the CSO office - 214B Thames St., Groton, CT. Parking lot and entrance is in the back of the building off of School St.

The Grief support group is held on the 4th monday of the month from 6-8 pm. the Next meeting is feb 24th.

Meetings are held at the CSO office, 214B Thames St., Groton. Parking lot and entrance is in the back of the building off of School St. To register, go to: Online registration.

Community Group Meetings


Nar-Anon Meetings every Thursday 6:30 - 8 PM at CSO OFfice

Nar-Anon is meeting at the CSO office, 214B Thames St. Groton CT. These meetings are in person and virtual. Please contact for virtual meeting information. Entrance to the CSO office is in the back of building off the parking lot - use School St. to enter parking lot.


Recovery Events

CSO supports those in recovery by hosting social and fun events locally.


RSVP here


View Past Recovery Events in Gallery



This is a sober event honoring those we’ve lost to addiction while also showing that recovery is possible. There are usually 8 teams playing, each team honoring one person we have lost to overdose. After the tournament, we hold a candlelight vigil.

For Photo Gallery of this year’s and past tournaments, go here.


We could not give to the community without our business partners who give so generously to CSO. Thank you!

Thank You to our sponsors of the Groton Rocks Recovery event: ACURE, Banyan Centers and Shutters & Sails Real Estate.

Thank You to Fast Signs for our beautiful signs and banners for all our events.

Thank you to Holmgren Subaru for making CSO one of your “Share the love” recipients which will allow us to provide so much more during the year.

Thank you to Groton LIttle League and US Navy volunteers for running the concession stand for the Sober Softball Tournament on June 22nd. Delicious food at a reasonable price!


If you or a loved one is in crisis, please call or text:

  • Tammy de la Cruz (860) 271-1835

  • Linda Labbe (860) 823-8771

We are here for you. We are people like you. Let us be a resource.


CSO welcomes anyone who shares our passion to heal, educate, and support those struggling with addiction and their families, as well as our families who have lost their loved ones too soon to volunteer within our organization.



Contact us if you have questions or if you are interested in booking a speaking event or an educational/community forum.


Community Speaks Out
214B Thames Street
Groton, CT 06340